Notes from Pastor Becker for May, 2000

With Easter coming so late this year, it's hard to believe we're into the business of May already!  Usually there's a little bit of a buffer between the wonderful busyness of Easter and the activities of May, but not so this year.  And so we charge ahead...

Keep in your prayers...
Our Synod Assembly meets May 18th – 20th and there is a resolution coming before the synod that has me very concerned.  Resolution 00-3, "Concerning Ordination of Lesbian and Gay Clergy," is the boldest attempt in this direction that I've seen.  This resolution seeks to remove from the official expectations of behavior and conduct of Lutheran Pastors the prohibition against practicing homosexual clergy.  If this trend continues in the ELCA, your next pastor may be gay and you would not even be able to question it!

Word Alone Network
Speaking of concerns about the ELCA, I was invited to attend a meeting at Grace Lutheran in Huntington Beach on May 2nd.  I met about a dozen other pastors who have very similar concerns to mine about the church, and who are meeting together to brainstorm actions that might be taken.  One church is redirecting their benevolence into local evangelism efforts and has actually started their own satellite church, rather than throw their benevolence dollars (this church usually gives over $160,000 a year to the synod) after a church that "is no longer relevant" to the mission of the gospel.  At least four other churches there were considering similar moves, as this seems to be the only real way to protest the current directions of the ELCA.  As further details about the "Called to Common Mission" ecumenical agreement with the Episcopalians become known, more and more pastors and churches are finding the will to resist.  Pretty exciting stuff!

Adult C.O.W.
We have just today (5/3) begun a new adult Church on Wednesday class entitled, “Lutheran Confessions and the Current Theological Crisis in the ELCA.”  Here we are looking at some of the founding documents of the Lutheran church to see what the current crisis is all about.  Many of us pastors find ourselves In Statu Confessionis (in a state of confessional crisis) over these issues.  It's good to have your interest and support.  It's not too late to join either the 10 am or 6:15 pm Wednesday classes.  If you are unable to attend, feel free to ask for some of the materials.

Schedule Change Alert!
On Sunday, May 28th, we will again have ONLY ONE Service at 10:30 am., with a combined Sunday School meeting at 9:15. This is because 1) half of the  congregation will be at the Family Retreat at Camp Arrowhead, 2) both pastors will be there, too, and 3) its Memorial Day weekend, and many of our members will be traveling or out of town.  The service will be a Traditional Worship Service, with a guest speaker, Rev. Bill Wittig, who regularly attends here and  has preached at the last two Memorial Weekend services.

Blessings and Peace!

Pastor Larry Becker