There are opportunities to grow in Christian fellowship through organizations within the church. These organizations include:

Lutheran Women's Missionary League (Ladies' Aid) 
LWML is an official women's organization of the Lutheran Church -- Missouri Synod that is encouraging and equipping women to live out their Christian lives in active mission ministries and financially support global missions. Visit LWML's website here.

Media Ministry Committee 
The members of the Media Ministry committee serve our church by helping with the sound system, website, and weekly worship telecast. The worship telecast can be seen every Monday at 10:00 AM on Round Lake Cable Channel 37. The weekly worship telecast is a great way to spread the Gospel to those who are not able to make it to church, or currently have no church home. It is also a resource for those who were in church and wish to learn more from the service. Video tapes of all worship services are also available.

Thrivent Financial for Lutherans
Thrivent is an organization that provides insurance and investment opportunities for Lutherans. Since it is a fraternal organization, all profits are distributed through county chapters, which then make funds available for church and community projects. Visit Thrivent's website here.

Choirs enrich our worship services with vocal music, and are composed of volunteers that enjoy confessing the faith in song. For more information on the choirs and the music program in general, click on the "Music" link.

Bethel Lutheran Church
501 Main St.
Round Lake, MN, 56167

Copyright © 2000-2006 Bethel Evangelical Lutheran Church. All rights reserved.